Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Things to be happy about

Although the past few days have been less than fantastic for me, there are still many things I can be happy about and that I'm grateful for TODAY and every day despite anything I may be going through:

-my health
-all 5 senses
-beautiful mild 70's days to look forward to all week
-my happy, smiling, and smart dog Tenzo
-family and friends
-a great job I love with a great company
-$ in the bank and the ability to pay all of my bills
-physical fitness
-itunes credits still left since Christmas (score! free songs!)
-the kindness of strangers
-every single day of life
-a car that takes me wherever I need to go
-the warmth of sunshine on my face
-my blackberry in all its snazzy glory
-laughter given and received
-learning a new word and inspiring quote a day

And of course, knowing that what doesn't kill me makes me stronger than I can ever fathom.
Sent via her BlackBerry

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