Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Old dog's new tricks

Today I started teaching Tenzo a new trick that took him less than an hour to understand. He seems to really enjoy learning new things (although the treats don't seem to hurt either)! The trick is him picking up his toy and putting it away inside his toy basket. Once he gets it down perfect, he can pick up after himself :). Teaching involves lots of treats, so we'll continue practicing for another day.

My lil' boy is so smart- he can sit,lie down,shake hands,high five,roll over,show his belly,speak,"get shot" and play dead,stay, wait to eat on command,fetch, and soon to be added to the list-put his toys away. If I can catch him on video I'll try to upload it. Stay tuned for updates on my furry boy wonder...
Sent via her BlackBerry

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