Friday, October 31, 2008

Concrete jungle

This morning I took a drive to get a fresh view on what's going on out in the real world since I've confined myself to my office cube all week.


Aside from checking out new store openings and closings for work, I encountered the following oddities in the 2 hour span of my drive:


*Cell phone tower poorly disguised as a palm tree.


Can you guess which one is the real one in the picture? Haha too funny. I know the intention is good, but when it looks this bad, why bother?


*Lady in car..drowning in her own filth


I tried to be ninja about snapping this pic for fear that she'd attack me. I wish I got a clearer shot. Her car was literally filled to the brim with trash everywhere except for the driver seat. I swear she has to be Oscar the grouch's long lost sister.




Can our weather be any more indecisive? 90 degree heat, sunny, cloudy..then rain? Mother Earth’s wrath is upon us!

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