Let me preface this post by saying that I am not a vegetarian. I support what PETA stands for but at the same time I can see how they may once in a while get a little carried away with their activist efforts. You can’t criticize them for their passion, though, especially when you learn the ugly truth about inhumane practices of fast feeders such as KFC in the name of quick profits.
Watch the attached video to see how these future 12 piece buckets lived prior to their fate on your plate. They say sex sells so I give Pam Anderson a thumbs up for using her sexlebrity status to bring attention to the sad reality of cheap chicken.
I don’t eat KFC in the first place since I see their food as grease sponges full of artery clogging, muffin-top and cellulite inducing qualities that are not on my wish list. Yech. Did you know that just ONE piece of extra crispy chicken breast has a whopping 440 calories and 27 grams of fat?? It’s JUST chicken for clucks sake! It’s no wonder the U.S. of A. is the fat nation of the world.
Colonel Sanders cares nothing about your health or the humane treatment of the very thing that allows his existence. All he cares about is the health and well-being of his deep pockets. You know that, yes?
Anyway, if that doesn’t deter you, hopefully some of the disheartening images on the video will. Sure, I know some of you are thinking “Who cares? They’re just stupid chickens, and they’re going to die anyway.” You don’t have to be an animal lover like me, but if you have even an inkling of sympathy pulsing in your aorta, you can’t deny that these sorts of practices are not right, and those who do them should be called out on their shenanigans.
This is why I’ll pay the extra buck or two to purchase free-range, grain-fed, non-antibiotic laden, organic/natural chicken any day of the week.
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