Honesty. Integrity. Trustworthiness. Unshaken commitment to values. It sounds so easy and makes absolute sense but for some, these characteristics are so far out of their reach it’s utterly, pathetically, disappointing.
At the core of each one of us, there are things inside of you that give you the potential to be a good person if you are wise enough to tap into it. Someone that people intentionally surround himself or herself with. Someone whom you could entrust your life and the life of those you love and care for. Someone you don’t have to doubt or second guess for one minute.
I have learned all too often though personal experience how rare a gift finding an individual of this caliber truly is. In this fucked up place we call society that breeds deception, selfishness, and betrayal in the same vein as eating, sleeping, shitting, and breathing, falling victim to any of these acts of unkindness is an all too common thing.
It’s sad how those who commit such acts pathetically try to justify their behavior with bullshit cop outs, flips of the script, and blaming everything and everyone besides ones OWN SELF for acting a fool. For fucks sake, at least take responsibility for your own behavior if you can consciously make the decision to go against your better judgment.
The ironic thing about all of this is that the aforementioned offenders are typically hypocritical when it comes to being the deceptee and not the deceptor. You can bet that all hell breaks loose if you ever treat them with the same disrespect that they’ve shown you. Yep, that’s the way these fucktards minds work.
Their motto is “Do unto others as you would not have others do unto you.”
What is the outcome? Well, let’s see. Relationships fucking crumble under the mind numbing recycling of bullshit and apologies and the skull fuck internal dialog such as “how do I know when this person is being honest/good/integrous” after one or multiple previous offenses.
The curse is on the person on the RECEIVING end of this selfish bullshit. They are the ones who choose to be the bigger person, to forgive, give another the benefit of the doubt, and work towards rebuilding trust and faith that somewhere deep in the crevices of that persons tainted heart, therein lies a good person. And then you proceed to subject yourself to the yo-yo effect of good-bad-good-bad, just when you thought things were good, this persons corrupted soul gives you the finger and you suffer the consequences of being the optimist, the person who believes in the good in people, the person who takes risk on love and all things good about it because you thought you saw something in someone that may very well not even exist.
I don’t care what anyone says. A lie is a lie is a lie. Big or small, short or tall, scandalous or innocent, it’s all the fucking same to me. It’s about principal, about building up and earning something so precious and rare that people should be risking their very existence to uphold it. You can have it for years but if you screw up once, you’re back at square one. It is THAT fleeting. You don’t just earn it once and have the right to keep it forever. You have to continue to demonstrate that you are exactly the person you project and claim to be. You’re not just a sugar coating salesman who is trying to convince others to buy into the idea that you’re worthy of their time, their love, their attention. You are a real, genuine, person who can offer what 99.99% of the general population cannot.
The true test is when you are the person you say you are, doing and acting in the way you say you will when NO ONE is looking. Who gives a shit about the academy award winning performance you give when you have an audience. It’s all about what goes down backstage when the camera stops rolling and all that remains are you, your conscience, and your ability to effortlessly do the right thing.
In my book, that’s more valuable than gold, platinum, and all things under the sun. You give me this, all day, every day, and you’re giving me the world. Anything else you can offer is just icing on the cake.
But, if all you have going for you is icing, then I don’t fucking want any.
If any of the people in my life think they are entitled to have their cake and eat it too, then I sure as hell am fully qualified and entitled to my piece.
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