Monday, July 7, 2008

Hickey spotting

So I’ve been giving a friend a hard time about his retro neck decoration that I noticed over the holiday weekend. I got a good belly laugh out of it – more of a guffaw, actually, since I think only people with big bellies can have belly laughs. He had, ladies and gents, a hickey. A HICKEY! Badge of fame? More like badge of LAME! That’s something so rare to see nowadays that it’s almost like finding a prehistoric artifact in my backyard. This is how the conversation went:


Me: Ha ha! You have a hickey!
Anonymous (to protect the innocent from complete embarrassment): Ahh, I know. I didn’t know she was doing it at the time!

Tom: That’s because all the blood in your brain went elsewhere!

Me, my cousin, her husband, Joan, and Jay: Roaring in laughter

Me: I haven’t seen or given a hickey in ages – since like the freshman year of high school. And they were lame back then too!

Anonymous: Ha ha, you got me. I got nothing!

Me: The only people these days who give/get hickeys are cholo’s and their hinah’s ß(spelling??)

Crowd: More roars of laughter

Anonymous: Shakes his head in shame

Me: Ha ha ha – she marked you the way dogs mark their territory. I think it means she wants to marry you. So who’s the lucky Hinah??


LMAO, I could go on and on, but you get the picture.


To further confirm my statement about the cholo/hinah thing….lookie lookie what I spotted on the neck of…(drum roll please)…yes, you guessed it! A cholo. Hickey on a cholo, 12  o’ clock, while I was eating my $7.99 Baja taco feast at Raging Waters.


Hey, when a girl’s right, she’s right! The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the proof is in the patch o’ hinah love on that guys neck!

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