Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Natural exterminator

For the past few days, I've had a few flies annoyingly buzz buzzing around the house, kamikaze diving straight for my dinner and doing fly bys in past my head, right in my ear.

Typically, I like to clean the cobwebs from my window sill, but I hesitated when I realized that my little spidey friend caught two of those pests in his strategically placed web. He has actually created a mutually beneficial relationship by building his home in my living room. If he could I bet he'd spin the words "will catch and eat flies for shelter" Charlotte Webb style in his web. I even saw him catch one-it was like a mini national geographic show up close and personal.

Although I'm a stickler for cleanliness and order, the two flies stuck in the web and the ever growing spider are okay with me. The least I can do in exchange for his services is not kill him, after all.
Sent via her BlackBerry

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